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i think the answer shpuld be round to circle

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11y ago

Plant cells have rigid walls for support. Animal cells do not.

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Q: What accounts for an animal cell's less rigid shape compared to plant cells?
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What is smaller in an animal cell compared to a plant cell?

Animal Cells Are Smaller than Plant Cells

Why plant cells are totipotent and not animal cells?

Because, if they weren't, the plant could not grow or reproduce

What parts are present in all plant cells but are absent in animal cells?

Plant cells have cell walls, as compared to animal cells which have cell membranes.

Do plant cells have several small vacuoles?

No plant cells have only one vacuoles. But in plant cells unlike animal cells they have very big (compared to their other organs) vacuoles were as animal cells have many small vacuoles.

What do animal cells not have?

Compared to plant cells, they do not have cell walls nor chloroplasts.

How are plant and animal and bacteria cells different?

Bacteria usually don't have all the organelles that plant and animal cells do, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts (plants), golgi apparatus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulums, etc. Bacteria cells are simple as compared to the plant and animal cells.

How are bacteria different from animal and plant cells?

Bacteria usually don't have all the organelles that plant and animal cells do, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts (plants), golgi apparatus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulums, etc. Bacteria cells are simple as compared to the plant and animal cells.

How are bacteria cells and plant cells different?

Bacteria usually don't have all the organelles that plant and animal cells do, such as mitochondria, chloroplasts (plants), golgi apparatus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulums, etc. Bacteria cells are simple as compared to the plant and animal cells.

Is centrioles in plant or animal cells?

Animal cells, not plant cells.

What do plant cell have that animal cells?

Animal cells have centrioles and plant cells do not.

How is animals cells different from plant cells?

Animal cells have lysosomes, plant cells don't. Plant cells have a cell wall made out of cellulose, animal cells don't. Animal cells have many small vacuoles, plant cells have one large vacuole. Plant cells have chloroplasts and chlorophyll, animal cells don't. Animal cells have centrioles, plant cells don't.

Do Venus Flytraps have plant or animal cells?

Well seeing it is a plant it has plant cells not animal cells