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first was the sugar act in 1764. after that was the stamp act in 1765. and after that was the townshen act.... so the answer is the Townshen Act. <3 C;

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the quartering act

;__ The Townshen Act ! <3 C:

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Q: What came after the stamp act?
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Which came first the Declaratory act or the Stamp Act?

The Stamp Act came before the Quartering Act.

What came first the stamp act or the Revolutionary War?

The Stamp Act.

What came first the stamp act declaratory act or the quartering act?

the quartering act

What act happened first the stamp act or the sugar act?

the sugar act came first

What was the law that placed a tax on printed materials in the colonies called?

The Stamp Act of 1765. It was where "taxation without representation" came from.

Was the stamp act an internal tax?

Yes, the Stamp Act was an internal tax. Internal taxes directly tax items within an entity, while an external tax taxes imported goods. After the imposition of the Stamp Act, colonists had to pay for the stamp that came with whatever paper good they were purchasing, and thus, the Stamp Act was an internal tax.

What did they do when the stamp act came?

The British taxed marriage papers, diplomas, and wills.

Did the Olive Branch Petition happen first of the Stamp Act?

Olive Branch Petition came first! Olive Branch Petition - 1775 Stamp Act - 1765

Which came first the stamp act or the sugar act?

sugar act! u need 2 keep up wit history people

What was the stamp act and what was taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What happened last the sugar act the meeting of the first continental congress the stamp act or the Boston tea party?

the sugar act came first

What was the stamp act. and what things were taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.