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1/8 amount of the element will reamain.

After 1 half-life there is 1/2 left

After the 2nd half-life there is 1/2 of 1/2 left which is 1/4

After the 3rd half-life there is 1/2 of 1/4 left which is 1/8

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Q: What approximate amount of the element remains after 3 half-lives have elapsed?
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What do forensic anthropologist do?

Forensic anthropology is the examination of skeletal remains. A forensic anthropologist can first determine if the remains are in fact human. Then he can determine the gender, approximate age, physical stature, their occupation, and likely racial affiliation of the person in life. He can also estimate approximate time since death, likely cause of death and any identifying illnesses or wounds suffered in life that could leave traces in the bone structure.

What is a forensic anthropologist?

Forensic anthropology is the application of the science of physical anthropology and human osteology (the study of the human skeleton) in a legal setting, most often in criminal cases where the victim's remains are more or less skeletonized. A forensic anthropologist can also assist in the identification of deceased individuals whose remains are decomposed, burned, mutilated or otherwise unrecognizable. The adjective "forensic" refers to the application of this sub field of science to a court of law. Answer: Forensic anthropology is the examination of skeletal remains. A forensic anthropologist can first determine if the remains are in fact human. Then he can determine the gender, approximate age, physical stature, their occupation, and likely racial affiliation of the person in life. He can also estimate approximate time since death, likely cause of death and any identifying illnesses or wounds suffered in life that could leave traces in the bone structure.Generally speaking forensic anthropology is the examination of human skeletal remains for law enforcement agencies to determine the identity of unidentified bones. Further definition of the term is necessary to understand the scope and basis of forensic anthropology. Anthropology alone is the study of man. Anthropologists are interested in culture (cultural anthropologists), language (linguistic anthropologists), the physical remains or artifacts left behind by human occupation (archaeologists), and human remains or bones and teeth (physical anthropologists).

What is the name for a number that is not prime or composite?

I will assume you mean "positive integers". In this case, the only number that is considered neither prime nor composite is the number 1. 1 has the special role of the identity element of multiplication, meaning that if you multiply a number by 1, it remains unchanged.

What is anaploidy?

Anaploidy remains undefined.

What is infinite divided by zero?

The answer remains infinity

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As a sample of a radioactive element decays its half-life?

No, the half life remains exactly the same throughout

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If an isotope is absorbed into the body, the fraction that remains after one day depends on the radiological half-life of the isotope and the biological half-life (basically how fast the element can be eliminated from the body) of the element that the isotope represents.

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this is due to a reason that electronic configuration of elements vary from one element to other but in case of groups it remains constant

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Sulfur is an element. An atom is the smallest division of an element that remains the same element--any further division of the element divides it into its atomic particles. The most common isotope of a sulphur atom has 16 electrons, 16 protons, and 16 neutrons.

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A theme is an element that typically does not change and remains consistent throughout a story. Themes are central ideas or messages that the author conveys to the reader.

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You forgot to say that isotope is.

How do the number of neutrons and protons change for isotopes of the same element?

Proton count remains the same, but neutron count can vary

What does the term isotope mean?

Isotope means an element with a different number of neutrons, however the number of protons and electrons of the atom remains the same.

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It was determined that Caylee Anthony's approximate date of death was June 16, 2008. Her remains were not discovered until December 11, 2008.

How can half lives be shortened?

Half life of an element can't be changed.. It is a characteristic of a radioactive element which is independent of chemical and physical conditions.. Half life is that time in which half of radioactive sample( i.e., a radioactive element) decomposes. So no matter what amount you take half life of an element remains same.