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They are a square and a rectangle

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Q: What are 2 polygons with all 4 right angles?
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What term describes 2 polygons when all the angles and lines are the same?

In math when 2 polygons have the same angles, lines and size, they would be congruent.

What 2 polygons have 4 sides and 2 right angles?

a square and a rectangle

How do you spell the shape with all right angles?

Of the regular polygons, only two quadrilateral shapes have all right angles:the rectangle and the square (all sides equal).These are types of parallelograms (4 right angles, 2 sets of parallel opposite sides).

What has 2 right angles and 2 parallel lines?

A square or rectangle are the only regular polygons, but many other shapes have two right angles and two parallel lines.

What is the interior angle and exterior angle of a seven sided polygon?

Interior angles total ((2 x 7) - 4) right angles which is 900 degrees. Exterior angles total 360 degrees. This is true of all convex polygons.

Do qaudrilaterals have 3 right angles?

Quadrilaterals are polygons having four sides. Quadrilaterals may have 1, 2, or 4 right angles. It is impossible for a quadrilateral to have exactly 3 right angles because the fourth angle would also be a right angle.

What shape has 4 equal sides and only 2 right angles?

There is no quadrilateral that meets these requirements. It is, of course, possible for a pentagon (or polygons with 6 or more sides) to have 4 equal sides and only 2 right angles.

What are polygons with 2 equal sides and angles called?


How do you find the sum of interior angles on polygons?


What has 4 sides and only 2 right angles?

Nothing, it's impossible.* * * * *Only if you limit yourself to quadrilaterals. But why? It is, of course, possible for a pentagon (or polygons with 6 or more sides) to have 4 equal sides and only 2 right angles.

What are three irregular polygons?

irregular polygons are just polygons that do not have equal angles and side so a scaling and isosceles triangles are 2 and trapezoid is another.

What is a 2 dimensional shape that has no right angles?

A circle, it has no angles.There are a infinite number of 2-d shapes that have no right angles.TrapeziumRhombusAll polygons except a square or a rectangleAll triangles except a right angle triangleAny irregular shapeetc.etc.