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Q: What are all the two-digit numbers that divide into 171 with a remainder of 6?
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None!!! Because '171' is NOT an EVEN number. Remember even numbers end in 0,2,4,6,and 8. Since '171', does not end in 0,2,4,6 or 8 , then it is not an even number, so it will not divide evenly. NB However, you can divide '171' by '2' , and the answer is 85.5 or 85 1/2

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171, remainder 4

What is the solution and answer of this question two digit numbers is divided by 171 with a remainder of 6?

171 cannot go into ANY two digit number - its smallest positive multiple is 171. Therefore the remainder must be the original 2 digit number. However, the question states that the remainder is 6. That is a contradiction. Consequently, there cannot be any solution to the question as stated.

List all the two digit numbers which leave a remainder of 6 when 171 is divided by them?

I believe you would basically have to try out the divisions one by one - I am not aware of any great shortcut. You can do the divisions in Excel, using the mod() function. Another option is to write a short computer program that tests each of the divisions. (171 % 1, 171 % 2, 171 % 3... up to 171 % 171 - many programming language use the "%" sign for the remainder of a division). If you do the divisions by hand, you may notice certain patterns, and skip a few numbers in the divisions.

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The greatest common factor of these numbers is 1. If it were a composite number, we could say that that number, and all the numbers that divide it evenly, divide these numbers evenly. However, these numbers are relatively prime-that is, the only factor they share is 1.

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171 ÷ 2 = 85.5 or 85 times with a remainder of 1.

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