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1 Plus symbol is + meaning to add

2 Positive numbers are greater than zero

3 Proper fractions are when their numerators are less than their denominators

4 Prime numbers have only two factors

5 Profit is to gain without loss

6 Perimeter of a circle is its circumference

7 Parallelogram is a 4 sided quadrilateral

8 Polygons are 2 dimensional shapes with 3 or more sides

9 Pentagon is a 5 sided polygon

10 Prism is a 3 dimensional shape with a unified cross-sectoon

11 Pyramids are also 3D shapes found in Egypt

12 Parallel lines remain equidistance apart and never intersect

13 Perpendicular lines intersect each other at right angles

14 Pair of simultaneous equations have the same solutions

15 Pythagoras' theorem is applicable to right angle triangles

16 Percentage means out of 100

17 Probability is an event that may or may not happen from 1 to 0

18 Powers of a base number increases its value

19 Points are plotted on the Cartesian plane

20 Pound is a unit of currency or weight

21 Pie charts are used in statistics

22 Positional place value determines the value of a digit in a number

23 Pi is the value of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter

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Q: What are at least twenty mathematical terms beginnig with P and please with their meanings?
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