

What are bottlenecks?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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16y ago

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The term 'bottleneck' refers to something being behind or blocked up, usually due to a narrowing, such as when a sporting event or concert is let out there is a 'bottleneck' trying to get your car out of the parking lot.

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Q: What are bottlenecks?
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Is the bottleneck effect good or bad?

bottleneck is a problem within a single system resource that affects the performance of the entire system. Bottlenecks can occur in any of the primary subsystems.Some reasons bottlenecks occur include:* Insufficient or malfunctioning subsystem. * Uneven workload between hardware components. * A program monopolizing a single resource. * Incorrect system configuration settings.For example, a publishing company must ship content at certain times of the month. If performance is poor at these times of the month, the systems administrators can see that this is a temporary state, so they do not need to analyze the problem. However, if performance is poor when very few users are logged on, administrators need to analyze that situation. When they review the logs, the administrators find that the hardware components are insufficient for the workload, so additional or upgraded components are required.

What is oracle DBA?

Oracle DBA stands for "Oracle Database Administrator." A database administrator (DBA) is a specialized IT professional responsible for the management, maintenance, and performance of a database system, specifically using Oracle Database software. Oracle DBAs play a critical role in ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of Oracle database systems, which are widely used in enterprise-level applications and data management. The responsibilities of an Oracle DBA typically include: Database Installation and Configuration: Installing and configuring Oracle database software on servers, ensuring proper setup and configuration for optimal performance. Database Design and Schema Management: Designing and implementing the database schema, tables, indexes, and other database objects to support the application's data needs. Data Security and Access Control: Managing user access and permissions to the database, implementing security measures to protect sensitive data, and ensuring compliance with security policies and regulations. Backup and Recovery: Developing and maintaining backup and recovery strategies to safeguard data against loss or corruption. This involves creating regular backups and testing restoration procedures. Performance Tuning and Optimization: Monitoring and analyzing database performance, identifying and resolving bottlenecks, and optimizing queries and database operations to enhance system performance. Performance Tuning and Optimization: Monitoring and analyzing database performance, identifying and resolving bottlenecks, and optimizing queries and database operations to enhance system performance. Oracle DBA has a very promising future, thus if you want to understand it then I'll suggest you to join Croma Campus. They provide Oracle DBA Online Course with placement assistance to their students, helping them with interview preparation, resume building, and potential job opportunities

What is a tsunamis-?

The word tsunami (pronounced su-nah'-me) is Japanese for harbor wave. Some tsunami may reach heights of 100 feet (30 m) or more. They are giant waves that hit a coastal area and create destruction and usually loss of many lives.A tsunami can be caused by a coastal or underwater earthquake, an underwater or shoreline landslide, an undersea volcano, the explosion of a volcano near shore, or even by an asteroid or other large celestial body that might crash into the ocean. Sometimes a small underwater quake will trigger a landslide that causes a tsunami.Such waves are also (incorrectly) called tidal waves because they inundate like high tides. But they aren't true tidal waves and are not related to tides or the effects of the moon.They can travel at 500 mph deep under the sea. They can destroy vast cities and developments on land, but don't destroy ships on the way to shore. Since they are traveling deep in the sea, they can pass right under the ships unnoticed. That's because the height of a tsunami wave might be only a foot or two at those depths. Or they might be noticed but not given any special attention because they seem harmless as they travel under the ocean surface.But the situation changes dramatically when the waves come closer to shore. As they enter shallow waters, they begin to decelerate and gain height as the wave becomes compressed. Waves up to 100 feet (30 m) or more in height are possible. Of course, one caused by an asteroid impact could be much higher, depending on the asteroid's size. Fortunately such occurrences don't happen as frequently as those caused by earthquakes, volcanoes and underwater landslides.More Detailed Information:Tsunami are huge ocean waves caused by natural forces like underwater earthquakes. Tsunami are caused when the forces of these phenomena rapidly displace large amounts of water.Most tsunami occur when there is an earthquake or volcanic eruption in the sea or ocean. This is caused when there are plate boundaries that are meeting in plate tectonics processes. Subduction in the convergent boundaries accounts for most of the tsunami. This will cause shock waves to be radiated out of the epicenter. This natural event will cause a rise or fall of the seabed. This will create a wave deep in the ocean which cannot be clearly discerned from shore until they get too close to allow escape.These waves can travel at great speeds up to hundreds of mph! As the wave gets nearer to the shore, the wave will start to get higher as the seafloor rises in height. The waves can be as high as 100 ft. tall when they near shore.Tsunami can be caused by landslides when there are very large landslides, such as a cliff-side of a mountain near shore that falls into a large body of water or ocean.Tsunami can also occur when powerful bombs, like nuclear bombs, are tested, dropped, or detonated in the sea or ocean. These will also cause shock waves to be radiated out that move the ocean waters in waves as described above.Tsunami can also occur when large asteroids fall into the water. This is extremely rare, and the asteroids must be extremely large to cause a large water displacement to form a wave. But they are known to have occurred. Meteorites will not cause high waves as they are usually much smaller than asteroids by the time they have been burned in the atmosphere on the way to the surface.Some meteorological storm conditions, such as deep weather depressions causing cyclones, hurricanes, strong winds and other similar occurrences, can generate a storm surge,which can be several meters above normal tide levels. This is due to the low atmospheric pressure within the center of the weather depression. As these storm surges come ashore, the surge can resemble a tsunami, inundating vast areas of land. However, these are not tsunami, but storm surges.Tsunami will definitely cause damage, casualties, and injuries. Fires can break out from gas line breaks that are ignited. Tsunami, as they reach closer to shore, will wash fishing boats and other boats, such as cruisers, onto shore, and onto streets, railroads, and buildings. Airports are destroyed, roads are impassable. The boats will be stuck on shore and usually wrecked from the force of the wave. Cars, trucks, airplanes and trains can be washed through the coastal areas damaging structures and people in their wake.People and livestock can be caught in the wave and carried away inland and back into the sea with all the debris from the devastation. The waves will also cause fish to be washed onto the shore and stuck there to die. They flood the lands near the shore, causing entire buildings to be inundated. They are identified too late for most people in the coastal areas to escape and avoid death from them. They will damage the crops and cause nearby buildings to collapse. Some people might be trapped under the buildings and die. They uproot trees too, causing them to fall on houses and people.Lastly, they cause economic decline as countries have to spend billions of dollars rebuilding and recovering from the damage. Millions of people can be homeless without food, clean water, proper sewage disposal and without electricity. Hospitals that may be still operating are overwhelmed, injured people may not receive timely medical care. Access to medical supplies, pharmacy supplies, and maintenance medications may not be available for months or more. People can not find loved ones and family members and there are little, if any, means of communication immediately following the tsunami. Factories and jobs are eliminated and many never rebuild in the area again. Tourist industries collapse for even years afterward.See related questions for more detaila tsunami is a giant flood

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