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Q: What are examples of reliability of a measurement?
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It has to do with the accuracy and precision of a measurement procedure?


What is sensitivity and reliability in measurement?

Sensitivity refers to how well a measurement tool can detect small changes in the quantity being measured. Reliability, on the other hand, refers to the consistency of the measurement results when the same objects are measured repeatedly with the same tool. Both sensitivity and reliability are important considerations in ensuring the accuracy of measurements.

The closeness of a measurement to its true value is a measure of its .?

accuracy; reliability.

The standard error of measurement is always zero when the reliability coefficient equals what number?


What are the examples of Bose?


What are the methods of minimizing the effects of errors in measurement?

Always repeat the measurement for reliability . Measurement should always be seen up front and not sideways. Use a new scale for better readings.

What are some examples of ratio level of measurement?

Examples of ratio level of measurement are age, weight, and amount of money.

When we refer to the psychometric properties of a measure, we’re talking about what exactly?

The validity and reliability of the measurement tool.

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An example of a trade off between reliability and relevance?

Information such as the the value of the intellect of employee's may be considered relevant, but the reliability of this information is very low as it is difficult to determine a measurement for intellect.

Reliability refers to?

This refers to how consistent a study or measuring device is. A measurement is said to be reliable or consistent if the measurement can produce similar results if used again in similar circumstances.