

Best Answer

1 They are both 2 dimensional shapes

2 They both have 4 equal sides

3 They both belong to the class of polygons known as quadrilaterals

4 They both have equal opposite parallel sides

5 They both have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

6 They both have 4 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees

7 They both have perpendicular diagonals

8 They both have lines of symmetry

9 They both have rotational symmetry

10 They both will individually tessellate

11 They both have perimeters which is the sum of their 4 sides

12 They both have areas which can be 0.5*product of their diagonals

13 They both can be split into triangles

14 They both can be subjected to trigonometry

15 They both have individual properties within a circle

16 They both can form the cross-section of a prism

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Q: What are fifteen facts or more that a rhombus and a square have in common?
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If a quadrilateral is a rhombus is it always a square?

No. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides - of any length. A rhombus has four equal sides, a square has four equal sides AND four right angles. Incidentally, four equal sides for a rhombus implies two pairs of parallel sides and equal opposite angles, so those facts are not required to define a rhombus.

What are facts about rhombus?

Its all equal

What are facts about rhombuses?

A rhombus is a type of parallelogram, and what distinguishes its shape is that all four of its sides are congruent. There are several formulas for the rhombus that have to do with itsSides(click for more detail) all 4 sides are congruentAngles(click for more detail) diagonals bisect vertex anglesDiagonals(click for more detail) diagonals are pependicularArea(click for more detail)A square is a rhombus and a rectangle. In other words, if each angle of a rhombus is 90°, then it's a square.

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What are facts about a rhombus?

A rhombus is a polygon. A rhombus is a 4 sided shape and an 'equilateral quadrilateral' (all sides are the same length). Opposite angles are equal in a rhombus. A rhombus can tessellate. A rhombus has two lines of symmetry, joining its opposite corners. A rhombus also has rotational symmetry. A kite is a rhombus, and has rotational symmetry of both 180 degrees as well as 360 degrees, A rhombus is not a regular polygon as all angles have to be congruent for it to be classed as regular.

How do you draw a rhombous with two right angles?

facts about rhombus's: 1) a rhombus is a parallelogram with all four sides of equal length. 2) the sum of the angles inside a 4-sided polygon is 360 degrees. 3) in a rhombus the two opposing corners must be the same angle in order for (1) to be true. therefore: the only way to draw a rhombus with 2 right angles, is to actually draw one with 4 right angles a.k.a. a square

What are facts about the size of a rhombus?

It has 4 equal sides Its perimeter is the sum of its 4 sides

What are a score or more facts that a square and a rectangle have in common?

A square is a special type of rectangle; therefore it has all the properties of a rectangle. Any property that a rectangle has, a square has as well. This includes the facts that it has four right angles (that's where the name "rectangle" comes from), that opposite sides are parallel, that opposite sides have the same length, and that diagonals have the same length.

What are facts about rectangles?

A rectangle is not a square

What are facts about square roots?

square root bla bla bla

What are facts about Munich?

Well, some facts are, its 75,000 square metres. and yer.