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29 & 31 is another pair

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Q: What are more twin primers if numbers three and five are twin primes because they have difference of two?
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Why are 3 and 5 twin primes?

Because the definition of twin primes is: two prime numbers with a difference of 2. 3 and 5 are both prime numbers, and their difference is 5 - 3 = 2 → they are twin primes.

Is 71 and 73 twin primes?

twin primes are 2 prime numbers with a difference of 2 the prime numbers 5 and 3 are twin primes because 5 minus 3 equals 2 so 109 and 111 are not twin primes

What is the sum of all primers less than 100?

The prime numbers less than 100 are :- 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89 and 97. The sum of these primes is 1060.

Why aren t 31 37 twin primes?

Twin primes are prime numbers with a difference of 2. 11 and 13 are twin prime numbers (13-11 = 2), 31 and 37 are not.

What is the longest number string that only consists of prime numbers?

The longest string of consecutive numbers that are primes is two digits long, consisting of 2 and 3 only. There are no other consecutive numbers that are primes because no even numbers greater than 2 are primes.

Two prime numbers whose difference is 2 are called?

Twin primes

Are 11 and 13 twin primes?

The numbers 11 and 13 are prime twins. Prime twins are consecutive prime numbers that differ by a difference of two. For example, 3 and 5, 7 and 9 are twin primes.

What is the difference of the squares of two primes is 72 what are these two primes?

Two primes whose squares have a difference of 42 are 7and 11.

Are 2 and 5 co-primes?

The numbers, 2 and 5, are co-primes because they both have just two factors, 1 and themselves.

What is the greatest difference between 2 consecutive prime numbers?

There is no limit: gaps between successive primes can be arbitrarily large. As of 2014, the largest prime gap between proven primes is 1,113,106. The two successive primes at either end have 18662 digits each. A larger gap, of 3,311,852 numbers between probable primes has been conjectured.

What are two prime numbers whose difference is 2?

They are known as twin primes. 3 and 5 5 and 7

What is the difference between every 2 consecutive prime numbers?

There are no fixed differences. In fact, gaps between successive primes can be arbitrarily large. As of 2014, the largest prime gap between proven primes is 1,113,106. The two successive primes at either end have 18662 digits each. A larger gap, of 3,311,852 numbers between probable primes has been conjectured.