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-- a liter of baby powder and a liter of concrete

-- a quart of air and a quart of Mercury

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Q: What are some exsamples of two substance with the same volume but not the same mass?
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How do you calculate the density of a substance?

Density is the mass of a substance divided by the volume of that same mass of substance.

Why do two samples with the same substance with the same volume HAVE to have the same mass?

Because they are of the same substance they have the same density density = mass/volume

Why does mass and volume affect density?

The density of a substance is its mass divided by its volume. So for the same volume the higher the mass, the higher the density.

When you burn logs the total blank of substance is the same before and after the fire is it mass or volume?

is it volume or is it mass in the blank

What is a property of a substance that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance?

Anything that has mass and occupies volume is called matter. In any substance its volume can vary but the mass is its intrinsic property. Mass of a particular substance remains the same anywhere we go but that is not the case for weight of a substance.

If mass increases and volume stays the same then density?

no density would increase, mass = volume x density if we assume that the volume of the substance cannot change then the only way to increase mass would be if that substance became more dense.

What is the eqyaion for density?

Density of a substance = (mass of a sample of it)/(volume of the same sample)

Does the same amount of mass always fit into the same volume?

No. The amount of mass in a given unit of volume is called density. Density varies depending on the substance and its temperature.

How do you calculate density using a formula?

Density of a substance = (mass of a sample of the substance) divided by (volume of the same sample)

How do you determine if a substance is more dense or less dence?

Density is measured and expressed as the mass to volume ratio. To determine what the density of a substance you measure its mass and divide that number by its measured volume (or you can look up the density based on what composes it). Then, using the same units, do the same for another substance. The substance with the larger number is more dense, has more mass per volume, than the substance with the lower number, and the same in reverse with respect to less density.

When you heat a cool substance does the mass or volume change?

No, the mass and volume stay the same but the shape changes. Changes in state never change it's mass but if it changes to gas, the volume is unmeasurable.

1 Why can you use total mass divided by total volume or mass of 1 substance divided by volume of 1 substance to calculate density?

Because the definition of density is (mass) divided by (volume), and they're not connected ...two objects can have the same mass but different volumes, or the same volume but differentmasses ... so you have to know both numbers to calculate the object's density.