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Q: What are the 3 parts of bar glass?
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Three parts of a glass in a bar?

three parts of a glass in a bar. first we have 3 types of glasses. a) tumblers b) footed c) stemmed as for tumblers , they have only 2 parts - the body and the base as for the stemmed or footed glasses - they have 3 parts - the bowl, the stem or foot, then the base. we should always remember the rim is part of the bowl or the body

What is the three parts of a bar?

as of i know the 3 parts of the bar are its up to you.

What are the parts of the front bar?

1. Bar table 2. Rail 3. Bar die 4. Glass rack 5. Arm rest 6. Foot rest 7. Pick up station from the book of "BAR AND BEVERAGE SERVICE" by Lorenzo G. Rojo, MBA

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1.title bar 2.title bar icon bar 4.status bar 5.cursor

What 3 things are important when creating bar graph?

I know two parts of making a bar graph is Title, and Labels.

How many parts are in the fraction bar?

12 parts are in a fraction bar

Parts of a bar graph?

1. Title 2. Labels 3. scales 4. Bars

Where can you get a glass for a bar from?

In most US cities there are glass companies. These companies will cut and bevel a heavy piece of glass for your bar for a fee. Look under "glass" in your phone book for locations. If you are speaking of glass ware, then the local restaurant supply shop can supply that.

What is poco grande?

it is a type of bar glass.

Can you ask for a pint to be topped up after leaving the bar?

No. You left the glass back at the bar.

What is the magnifying parts?

the glass

What do you call a type of bar used to separate glass in cabinet making?

Muntins or muntin bar.