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Q: What are the different ways to fold a cube?
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How many ways can you fold a cube?

There are 11 ways to fold a cube, or 11 nets of a cube.

How do you fold a cube?

you fold it where the dotted line is

How do you fold shirts?

Go to You Tube and search "fold shirts' there are several different ways to do this.

How many ways can I make a six sided cube?

Um...infinite? The cube's dimensions are not set, so it could be 4x4x4 or 6x6x6 and so on. If you're talking about how many ways you can fold six connected squares into a cube, well that's eleven. Here, I found this site where the eleven are listed.

Would this net fold make a cube yes or no?

The information on the "net fold" is missing from your question.

In how many ways a cube can be colored in six different colors?

It is possible in only 6! = 6x5x4x3x2x1 or 720 ways.

How many different ways are there to move one extreme of cube to other extreme?


How do you make a model of the coliseum out of construction paper?

fold the paper in different ways to look like a coliseum

How many different ways can you arrange 6 squares to form a net for a cube?

11 times

Why 5-fold rotational symmetry is not possible in cube?

Becuase 5-fold, 7-fold, 8-fold or any other higher-fold crystal's structure (shape) is based on the geometric arrangement of atoms, so can not completely fill the space.

What does it mean by draw nets for a cube?

Fold our your 3D cube and measure all the way around it. If it is a 2D shape then measure around that. By G2010

How many different ways can a cube be sliced into 2 equal halves?

it is the same number as the sausages in your but