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1 cubic inch.

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Q: What are the dimensions of a carton using unit cubes that measure 1 inch by 1 inch by 1 inch?
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It is a measure of mass per unit volume and is derived using measures of mass and lengths in three orthogonal dimensions.

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we answer quantities precisely by using measuring tools like rulers, and meter sticks :)

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A ruler. Using a ruler, you could measure the dimensions of the block which you could then use to calculate its area.

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measure the Circumference of both the top and bottom edges of the sleeve. measure the height of the sleeve. using a centerline draw the first Circumference(kinda of like a lower case "T") measure down the height of the sleeve along the centerline, draw in the other Circumference. connect the endpoints on the left then the right. you now have a flat drawing from which to measure your dimensions, area, etc.

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