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I mostly think it is human brain waves which has the capacity to aquire signals from any regions of the universe

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Q: What are the fastest wave motions in the universe?
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What type of wave is the fastest?

The fastest wave is the electromagnetic wave. Of the seismic waves, the P-wave is the fastest seismic wave.

What type of wave moves the fastest?

Light wave travels fastest in air Sound wave travels fastest in solid or liquid

Which is the fastest thing in Universe?

Tachyons are theorised to be the fastest particle in the universe their slowest speed being the speed of light. But until they are proven to exist, light is the fastest thing in the universe.

Wave in which particles move parallel to wave motions?

This type of wave is called longitudinal waves.

What is the fastest the big wave or the small wave?

the middle wave!

What is the fastest seismic wave that moves back and forth?

The fastest seismic wave that also moves back and forth is the P-wave.

What earthquake waves is the fastest?

The first wave is the fastest

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What is the fastest type of siesmic wave?

Primary Wave (P wave)

What type of ocean wave moves the fastest?

Indian Ocean waves.

Is amplitude the number of motions that occur in a given time?

The amplitude of a wave is the height of a wave crest or the depth of a wave trough from the rest position.

Which type of wave travels the fastest?

Electromagnetic waves travel the fastest, at the speed of light in a vacuum, 3.0 x 108 m/s.