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The four dimensions of Space Time are one real dimension r=ct and three vector dimensions Ix + Jy + Kz. All the dimensions have units of meters. The idea of a dimension of time is an historical artifact.

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Q: What are the four dimensions of Space Time?
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Why time has 4 dimensions?

Time is one dimension, not four. If you combine it with space, you can "visualize" it as four dimensions: three dimensions of space, one of time. Sort of visualize it - we can't really visualize four dimensions.

Is it true that there are two types of dimensions including Time and Space dimensions?

There are three spacial dimensions and a time dimension. The spacial dimensions live in one domain and time in another . But, these two sets of dimensions can be brought together by using what is called the Four-vector noted as (ct,x,y,z) which is a vector in four dimensional real vector space called Minkowski space. Using the four-vector is advantageous in special and general relativity because space and time are inseparable.

Does everything in world exist in three dimension?

No. Everything in our world is four dimensions. 3 dimensions of space, and 1 dimension of time.

How is space-time defined in physics?

Space-time is the four-dimensional system consisting of the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time in which all objects are located and all events occur.

What are the four physical dimensions?

The four observable physical dimensions are length, width, depth, and time. Together they form a single mathematical and physical framework called the space-time continuum which is explained in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Theoretically, there may be more dimensions than this. String theory hypothesizes as many as eleven physical dimensions consisting of ten of space and one of time.

What are the four dimensions of Space-Time?

Einstein formulated the spacetime that is the four dimensions of space namely: length, breadth, thickness and a fourth dimension: time are interwoven. apart from euclid's geometry where time is said to move at a constant rate and is unchangable, this theory says that time also can be bent, slowed down or even speeded up just like the other dimensions like length.

How is the term 'universe' defined in science?

In science, 'universe' denotes the physical continuum in which we live consisting of matter and energy arranged in four dimensions of space and time. It can also denote another such continuum hypothetically separate from our universe with its own dimensions of space and time and its own arrangement of matter and energy.

What are extra dimensional beings?

They are living "things" from a space of more dimensions than the 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time that we live in and are aware of.

The 3 first dimesons are space The fourth is time. So what does the last 7 contain?

The additional 7 (or possibly 8) dimensions, if indeed they exist, would also be dimensions of space and time, but they would be more curved than the more familiar 4 dimensions of space and time that we know and love.

What can be the maximum number of dimensions possible?

There are as many as eight or nine dimensions. The fifth dimension is (mass or weight) in essence contact. However this negates Time position as the fourth dimension RELATIVE to distance. GO ALIENS!

What are the four dimsensions?

The three spatial dimensions and time.

Who gave a theory of the dimensions of space and time?

Albert Einstein's work is famously involved with the theory of space and time.