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Q: What are the interior angles on a 15 sided polygon?
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What is the sum of the interior angle measured by a 15-sided polygon?

The interior angles of a 15 sided polygon add up to 2340 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 2340 What type of polygon is it?

It is a 15 sided polygon

What are the interior angles of a 15-sided polygon?

Providing it is a regular polygon they are 156 degrees

What is the sum of the measure of the interior angle of a 15 sided polygon?

The angles in a 15 sided polygon add up to 2340 degrees

What is the interior angle measure for a 15 sided polygon?

The interiior angles of a 15 sided polygon add up to 2340 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a 15- sided polygon?


What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a 15-sided polygon?


What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a 15 sided polygon?

The interior angles add up to 2340 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angle measure of 15 sides polygon?

The interior angles of a 15 sided polygon add up to 2340 degrees.

What do the angles add up to in a fifteen sided shape?

The interior angles of a 15 sided polygon sum to 2340 degrees

What is the Interior angle of a polygon with 15 sides?

The interior angles of a 15 sided polygon add up to 2340 degrees and if it is a regular polygon then each interior angle is 156 degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angle measures of a 15 sided polygon?

Remember Exterior angle = 360 / No. of sides. Hence Exterior Angle = 360//25 = 24 degrees, It follows that the intertiot angle is 180 - 24 =156 degrees. There are 15 interior angles Hence 15 x 156 = 2340 degrees is the sum of the interior angles of a 'Pentadecagon'.