

What are the odd multiples of 5?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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Itself and any of its multiples that ends with a 5

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Q: What are the odd multiples of 5?
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Is all multiples of 5 even numbers?

No as 5, 15 and an infinite amount of other multiples of 5 are odd

Are all odd number divisible by 5?

No. Only odd numbers that are multiples of five.

What are the firs two odd multiples of 5?

15 and 25.

What is the remainder when the sum of all the odd multiples of five from 1 to 2007 is divided by ten?

The odd multiples of 5 end with 5.If there is an even number of odd multiples of 5, their sum ends in 0, meaning their remainder when divided by 10 is 0;If there is an odd number of odd multiples of 5, their sum ends in 5, meaning their remainder when divided by 10 is 5.By "odd multiples of 5 from 1 to 2007 " do you mean:the multiples 1, 3, 5, ..., 2007 of 5?1 = 2 x 1 - 1, 3= 2 x 2 - 1, ..., 2007 = 2 x 1004 - 1 So there are 1004 multiples of 5, which is even so their sum has a remainder of 0 when divided by 10.the numbers between 1 and 2007 which are odd multiples of 5?1 ÷ 5 = 0.2 → first multiple of 5 in the range is 1 x 5 → the first odd multiple = 1 x 5 2007 ÷ 5 = 401.4 → last multiple of 5 in the range is 401 x 5 → the last odd multiple = 201 x 5401 = 2 x 201 - 1 which means there are 201 multiples of 5, which is odd so their sum has a remainder of 5 when divided by 10.As our number system is based on 10, the remainder when dividing by 10 gives the value of the units (last) digit of the original number.All even multiples of 5 end have a units digit of zero and do not affect the units digit of the sum when added; so the question could have included the even multiples of 5 (ie "What is the remainder when the multiples of five...") without changing the final answer.

Why do multiples of 5 end in 5?

they all don't 5*2=10 so all of them do not end in 5 just a half .. even multiples ends with 0, odd multiples ends with 5.

Why does five have even and odd multiples?

That happens because 5 is an odd number. An odd number times an odd number will give you an odd product; an odd number times an even number will give you an even product. The same happens for the multiples of any other odd number.

What are some odd multiples of five?

Any number ending in 5.

Why are all multiples of 3 odd and even?

The multiples of all odd numbers are odd and even. Odd x odd = odd. Odd x even = even. Since odd and even numbers alternate, the multiples will alternate as well.

Is 5 an odd number or an even number?

5 is an odd number the prime factorization is 1times 5 and 5 times 1numbers which are multiples of 2 are called even no.s and others are odd numbers.

Are all multiples of 3 odd?

No - alternate multiples of 3 are odd, and alternate multiples are even.

What are the odd multiples of 5 less than 50?

5, 15, 25, 35, 45.