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Q: What are the positive and negative effects of being superstitious?
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the positive is more reflexes, the negative is not being physically active

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there all depends what kind old changes are being make because there are positive and negative effects

What is the negative and positive aspects of mercy killing?

are you kidding me. i think mercy killing is both positive and negative effects. the positive effects are that if the person is begging you to end there life, then you should, the person hat is being killed should have the right to choose there own destiny . the negative effects are that you could live the rest if your life in regret, and mercy killing is basically still the killing of a human soul so you shouldn't do it.

When a positive and a negative are being multipied does it come out positive?

no, negative....if you multiply two negatives it comes out positive

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There are no negative effects of being a Freemason.

Is the product of a negative number sometimes negative always negative or sometimes?

it's only negative if it's being multiplied by a positive number. If it's being multiplied by another negative number than it will be positive.

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Some negative effects are deaths of a lot of people,large amounts of land being destroyed,fires, and mudslides in some cases.

Positive and negatives affects of the Reconstruction?

Some positive effects of the Reconstruction include uniting the country and blacks had the right to vote as well as be elected for political offices. Its negative effects, on the other hand, include the South being faced with economic turmoil.

What does a fraction equals if it is a positive and a negative being added?

Depends on how big they are. The resulting number could be positive or negative. Negative 1/4 and Positive 1/2 will be a Positive 1/4. Positive 1/4 and Negative 1/2 will be a Negative 1/4.

Is zero a positive or negative?

0 is a neutral number. zero is nor positive or negative because NEGITIVE being a number smaller than zero POSITIVE being a number bigger than zero so since zero isn't being smaller or bigger zero isn't positive or negative

Will the product of 101 negative integers be positive or negative?

If the amount of negative integers being multiplied is even, the result will be positive. If it is odd (like 101), the product will be negative.

What is the quotient of negative numbers being divided?

The quotient will be positive.