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If you include 3, they are 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19.

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Q: What are the prime numbers between 3 and 21?
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What is the prime numbers between 21 and 33?

there are 3 prime numbers in between 21 and 33... they are 23,29, 31.

What are the prime numbers between 2-21?

The prime numbers between 2 and 21 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19

Is 7 and 3 and 21 prime numbers?

7 and 3 are prime numbers but 21 is a composite nuber

What are prime numbers of 21?

factors of 21: 3, 7 prime factors of 21: 3, 7

What are the prime numbers for 21?

The prime factors of 21 are 3 x 7.

Are 17 and 21 prime numbers?

17 is a prime number, but 21 is not (21 = 3 * 7).

How many prime numbers are there from 21 to 35?

There are 3 prime numbers from 21 to 35:23, 29 and 31

Are 21 and 11 prime numbers?

11 is a prime number but 21 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 3.

What is 21 as the product of prime numbers?

It is: 3*7 = 21

What are the only 2 prime numbers whose product is 21?

3 and 7 are prime numbers whose product is 21.

What odd number between 11 and 21 is the product of two prime numbers?

13 is prime so it is not the number. 15 is the product of 3 and 5, two prime numbers, so it fits the conditions. 17 is prime so it is not the number. 19 is prime so it is not the number. 15 is the only odd number between 11 and 21 that fits the conditions. However, if 21 is included in the range, it also is the product of two prime numbers: 3 x 7.

What equals to 21 with prime numbers?

3 x 7 = 21