

What are the prime factor product of 21?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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7y ago

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21 = 3 x 7

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Q: What are the prime factor product of 21?
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What is the product of a prime factor?

I think most people have a hard time answering this question. As do I. The product of a prime factor will always be consecutive Ex.1: 3*7=21 factors of 21- 1, 3, 7, and 21. Hope it helped....LiveaLifeofLove

What is a product of its prime factor?

It is when the prime factors of whole number are multiplied together that they equal that number. For example the prime factors of 21 are 3 and 7 so 3*7 = 21

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21 = 3 x 7. Both these factors are prime.

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As a product of its prime factors: 3*7 = 21

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