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They are 4 sided 2 dimensional shapes

They have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

They have 4 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees

They have 2 diagonals

They can be classified as squares, rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, kites, trapezoids ... etc

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Q: What are the properties of quadilaterals?
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Are all quadilaterals square?

No, but all squares are quadrilaterals.

What are quadilaterals?

any geometric figure which has four sides

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How many quadilaterals have 4 sides of equal length?

There are 2 and they are a square and a rhombus

What is the symmetry for all quadilaterals?

Well, a quadrilateral automatically has 4 sides and 4 angles that equal 360 degrees. Past that, a quadrilateral can be anything at all!

What is meant by diagonals bisect each other?

By bisecting , we mean cutting into half. So , when the diagonals bisect each other , they then are actually dividing each other into two equal halves. For example , like in quadilaterals , (perhaps parallelograms) , like square,rectangle,rhombus , etc.

What are properties that change?

the properties that change are physical and chemical properties!!! :)

What is the properties mean in science?

chemical properties and the pysical properties

What are some properties of a matter?

phisical properties and chemical properties