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Trends in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders has changed over the past 10 - 15 years due to ongoing research and changing knowledge of the pathophysiology and epidemiology of Migraine, and it continues to change. Diagnosis is determined by something called the ICHD-II which is like a chart that helps your doctor determine, based on symptoms and other criteria, what the diagnosis may be. The ICHD-II is being replaced as I write this answer, with ICHD-III, and until that is revealed in a few days, we won't know exactly what changes will have been made to it. ICHD stands for International Classification of Headache Disorders and is a project of a group of the world's top Migraine and headache specialists called the International Headache Society.

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Q: What are the the trends in diagnosis of the migraine headache over the past 10 15 years?
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Is twenty seven years old too young to be having problems with headaches and migraines?

Migraine and headache can be present from infancy. No headache or Migraine is "natural" nor is it "normal". See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.

How headache is being treated 20 years ago?

Treating a headache disorder is dependent upon the type of disorder the patient has. There are over 300 different headache disorders, and their treatment depends upon which disorder the patient had. Generally speaking, pain relief was given 20 years ago, but not abortives, as they had not yet been developed. Some preventives were being used for Migraine as well. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified and board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

What health system is for migraine headache?

Migraine is a neurological disease of the brain, therefore the body system associated with it is neurological. The vasodilation theory was disproven years ago when it was found that Migraine can occur without it.

How long does a migrane last?

It depends on the reason you're getting the migraine really. If they're stress related, they usually subside after a few minutes to a few hours. However, if they're caused by something more serious, such as cluster headaches, they can last for days without treatment.

What could cause a headache to last for years?

Many types of headaches could fall into this category. What causes or triggers them depends on what type you suffer from. For a diagnosis and treatment, seek the help of a physician or headache specialist.

I have had migrains for 32 years still looking for the miracle cure. all i have found is topamax and Vicodin?

Answer,Unfortunately, there are no miracle cures, or there would be no Migraineurs. Topiramate is often a very effective preventive medicine, however vicodin can cause severe Medication Overuse Headache (MOH) aka rebound. For best results, seek out the help of a Migraine and Headache Specialist. These doctors are specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders beyond the scope of neurologists and primary care doctors.___________________________________Have u been to a chiropracter?

Is there a cure for migraine Headache and dizziness Throughout the day i feel Headache and fainting symptoms I smoke one cigarette a day .?

There are cures for migraine...Neurofeedback is a non invasive training to help regulate brainwaves. I have trained people with migraines for many years and can say it works great. Most of the clients I have seen have alot of anxiety in their life.. check on EEG info for the nearest provider in your area.

What is a migraine with just shimmering eyes but no headache?

It is called a scintillating scotoma, also called visual migraine or sometimes a migraine aura (because it often precedes the migraine headache in some people).It can be triggered in some people that do not have migraines by rapidly flickering lights (e.g. a computer monitor or strobe lights). Many years ago I had one after working for several hours on a bad computer monitor, the scintillating scotoma came on about 20 minutes later and I went totally blind for more than a half hour before the sparklies and zigzags began to fade.

Do allergies cause headaches and dizziness?

Yes, there is a long list of possible food triggers associated with migraine. It can be a reaction to the food itself, or sometimes it is the scent of it being cooked. It can take up to 36 hours for a migraine to be triggered by food that you have consumed. So when investigating your diet for triggers, it is important to look at the past couple of days. Food triggers, like any allergy - are highly individual. Also, migraine triggers can change over time, so it can be helpful to reevaluate your food triggers every few years. See the link below for a list of food triggers.

What kinds of migraine headache are there?

the major types are migraine with aura and migraine without aura. hemiplegic migraine, abdominal migraine. retinal migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine and basilar artery migraine are the other varieties..

What is best painkiller for migraine. I can't take Ibuprofen?

I suffered from migraines for years and tried all kinds of prescription drugs. A couple of years ago, a friend told me to try Ibuprofen, which I reluctantly did. I did not for a minute think it would work, but every time I feel a migraine coming on, I just take two Ibuprofen and it subsides. Years of suffering and a simple tablet like that sorted it out.

Why do you get headaches every day if you are 14 years old?

There are many reasons you may suffer headaches every day. There are literally hundreds of reasons that might pertain to your situation. Only a physician who specializes in headache disorders such as a board certified (ask them) headache specialist is probably qualified to help with the diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders such as this.