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Q: What are the three basic primary numbers?
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What is the name of three basic colors?

they are called primary colours.

What do primary colors have in common with prime numbers?

There are three primary colours and three is a prime number. The answer above me is great ^_^ but dont forget... They're both the most important colors/numbers. Kind of. =P

What are the primary fore function performed by microproceser?

A: The processes contains three basic functions, arithmetic's, controller, input/output

What is the distributive property of 60 44?

There is no such thing. Take a look at the definition of the distributive property - the basic definition involves three numbers; the definition can also be extended to more than three numbers.

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Properties are true statements for any numbers. There are three basic properties of numbers: Associative, Commutative, and Distributive Properties.

What does primary means in art?

it could be referring to primary colors, meaning the three basic colors that cannot be made by combining any other colors. these colors are blue, red, and yellow.

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In basic mathematics, a number line is a picture of a straight line that serves as representation of negative and positive numbers.

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Primary keys have to be numbers that are entered by the user.

How many basic colors do i need to mix all colors?

Three primary colors: Red, Blue, and Yellow. From those three, you can (theoretically) make every other color.

What quality do primary numbers have in common with primary colors?

Prime numbers r 3 and primary colors are red, blue, yellow

Identify and describe three basic disk storage types you can allocate in Windows XP?

primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives.

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The numbers 7.1 through 14 are the basic numbers.