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Q: What are the two variable needed to calculate demand?
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Daily life examples about differential equations?

Here are two variablesDemand and Price, whereas Price is Independent variable &Demand is dependent variable, i.e. if price of something changes the demand will also be affected. Now simple Differential Equation isd (Demand)= constantd (Price)But keep in mind that Price is a function not a simple variable.

What two values are needed to calculate the concentration of a chemical in an organism?

Solubility and amount of the substance

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Voltage, current, or power. You need two out of the three.

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what are the two kinds of variable

What is -15x-3y equals 9?

Since there are two variables in this sum, without knowing what one of the variables is, it is impossible to calculate the other variable.

How do you calculate roots?

The roots of an equation in two variables is calculated by setting the dependent variable, y, equal to 0 and then solving the resulting equation for the independent variable, x. The procedure for solving the equation in x will depend on the nature of the equation.

Why is it important to observe temperature change when two chemical are mixed?

The temperature change is needed to calculate the enthalpy change.

What is one variable data What is two variable data?

One variable data are measurements or recordings of the values of one characteristic of the subjects which are being studied. Two variable data refer to two characteristics. Examples of one variable data: hair colour, or height Examples of two variable data: hair colour and eye colour, or height and mass.

What is extraneous variable?

An extraneous factor is one that is not pertinent or relevant to what is being studied, for instance, in a research experiment. It may, however, have an unwanted impact if naturally present and not controlled or distributed evenly across groups. Example: You give the same test to two groups. One group was allowed to study, the other was not. The "study vs. no study" variable is what you are most interested in, and you have attempted to control for other variables that would not be considered relevant to your interest is the study versus no study variable. For instance, the gender of the subjects is not something you want to study in this research, so you make sure that both your study and your no-study subject groups are about the same in terms of gender distribution. You would also want to make sure that the two groups had roughly the same experience in terms of room temperature, time of day taking the test, amount of light to see by and so on so that the groups were differently primarily in whether they studied or not, and nothing else.

How do you calculate octane number for petrol?

This is a very a complicated process. There are two versions of the octane rating system. Neither I nor you will be able to calculate octane because of the cost prohibitive tools needed..

What is moderating variable?

Moderation occurs when the relationship between two variable depends on a third variable. The third variable is referred to as the moderate variable or simply the moderator

What are independent and dependent variables in science?

Dependent variable is the variable that can be measured. However, the independent variable is the variable that changes in the two groups.