

What ar things that come in group of 6?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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hexagon,sides of dice,and strings on a guitar

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Q: What ar things that come in group of 6?
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Examples of things that come in groups?

Soda comes in groups of 6

What ar ethe multiples of 10 and 6?

The multiples of 10 are 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,100,...................................................... The multiples of 6 are 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60,.......................................................

Things that come in grouping of six?

Soda, some batteries, combs, and I have seen cups come in groups of 6.

Three numbers in GP sum up to 21. Their product is 216. Find the numbers.?

Let a be the first of the three number and r the common ratio. Then a*ar*ar2 = a3r3 = 216 = 63 so that ar = 6 Also, a + ar + ar2 = 21 Substitute ar = 6 to give 6/r + 6 + 6r = 21 or 6 + 6r + 6r2 = 21r So that 6r2 - 15r + 6 = 0 or 2r2 - 5r + 2 = 0 2r2 - 4r - r + 2 = 0 or 2r*(r-2) - 1(r-2) = 0 or (2r-1)*(r-2) = 0 so r = 0.5 or r = 2 r = 0.5 gives the three numbers as being 12, 6, 3 and r = 2 gives 3, 6, 12.

Q 5th term of a GP is 2 then product of its 9 terms is?

I'll try to answer the question, "If the 5th term of a geometric progression is 2, then the product of its FIRST 9 terms is --?" Given the first term is A and the ratio is r, then the progression starts out... A, Ar, Ar^2, Ar^3, Ar^4, ... So the 5th term is Ar^4, which equals 2. The series continues... Ar^5, Ar^6, Ar^7, Ar^8, ... Ar^8 is the 9th term. The product P of all 9 terms is therefore: P = A * Ar * Ar^2 *...*Ar^8 Collect all the A's P = (A^9)*(1 * r * r^2 ...* r^8) P = A^9 * r^(0+1+2+...+8) There's a formula for the sum of the first n integers (n/2)(n+1), or if you don't know just add it up. 1+2+...+8 = 36 Therefore P = A^9 * r^36 Since 36 is a multiple of 9, you can simplify: P = (Ar^4)^9 Still with me? Remember that Ar^4=2 (a given fact). So finally P = 2^9 = 512. Cute problem.