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1- Less need to use fractions or decimals than in Celsius. Some people find significant differences in comfort between 72 and 73, for instance, but those finer gradations are not possible in Celsius without clumsier decimals.

2- Less need to use negative numbers than in Celsius. That saves time and avoids mistakes. Someone could report the temp as 3 degrees when he slips and omits the minus sign, and that omission could be critical in knowing whether to protect plants from freezing or pipes from breaking or knowing there's going to be a risk of slipping on ice.

3- The range of temperatures in Fahrenheit from 0 to 100 makes sense in normal weather in the US and in much of the temperate zone of the world; we can encounter those extremes of 0 - 100 F in much of the US. On the other hand, we never encounter anything beyond about 45 in Celsius and commonly get below 0 Celsius.

4- (I realize this is one more reason than you asked for.) Both scales have temps of 0 and 100. The supposed advantages of Celsius are (a) C has a 0 and 100, but F also has those temps. (b) 0 and 100 in C pertain to water, but that's only useful if you keep forgetting that 32 is the freezing temp for water. (You hardly need to know that 212 F is boiling, since when you're cooking, you watch for the bubbles.) (c) You don't add and multiply temps they way you do distances and weights, so the wonderful advantages of meters and kilograms don't apply to temps.

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Q: What are three advantages for using a Fahrenheit scale?
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Not sure which three points you mean.0 deg F represents the lowest temperature that Fahrenheit could achieve using ice and brine. 212 deg F was the temperature which he assigned to water boiling at normal pressure.

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