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Q: What are two numbers that are factors common to all pairs of even numbers?
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Related questions

Why do all non square numbers have even factors?

The factors of all numbers can be written in pairs. With square numbers, one of those pairs is the same number twice. When listed singly, square numbers have an odd number of factors. All others are even.

What two factors are common to every even number?

1 and 2 are common factors to even numbers

If two is not a common factor of a pair of numbers what other numbers cannot be common factors?

Even numbers.

Why do regular composites have an even number of factors?

You have to multiply something by something else to get a product. All numbers have factors in pairs.

Can 2 numbers have no common factors?

No. All numbers have a common factor of 1, even if there are no others.

Can two odd numbers have an even greatest common factor?

No. Odd numbers don't have even factors.

Why do all numbers other than square numbers have an even number of factors?

Factors come in pairs. It is only in the case of a square number that the two middle factors are equal and so are counted only once.

Is the GCF of any two numbers always odd and why?

The GCF of any two odd numbers is always odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors. The GCF of any two even numbers is always even because even numbers are divisible by two and any common factors would have at least one two in common. The GCF of an even and an odd number is odd because odd numbers don't have any even factors.

Are the greatest common factors of 2 even numbers awlways even?

yes because even numbers only go into 2 4 6.....

Can the greatest common factor of an odd and an even number ever be even?

No. Odd numbers don't have even factors.

Is it possible for two numbers that are both even to be relatively prime?

No. Two numbers are relatively prime if they have no prime factors in common. Two even numbers will have 2 as a prime factor in common.

What is the highest common factor of 2 co-prime numbers?

A single number cannot have a highest common factor because "common" refers to factors that two or more numbers have in common. You have only one number.