

What bee is an inch long?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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12y ago

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the bumble bee or the carpenter bee are both 1 inch long

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Q: What bee is an inch long?
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How long is a normal bee.?

a normal bee is about 1 inch mabye a bit less but I'm pretty sure 1 inch.

How long is a normal bumble bee?

a normal bee is about 1 inch mabye a bit less but I'm pretty sure 1 inch.

How many inches long is a bumble bee?

0.5 to 1 inch

What is the length of a bee?

A bee's length typically ranges from about 0.4 to 1.2 inches, with the specific size varying depending on the species of bee.

What bee is an inch and a quarter long?

Hornets and Yellow Jackets get this large.

How big bee is?

1/2 an inch

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The foot BEE-OTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the length of a honey bee?

about an inch and a half

What type of bee was it that I found in a wood pile and was 2 inches long?

It is possible that the bee you found was a carpenter bee. Carpenter bees are large bees that can grow up to 1 inch in size and are commonly found in wood piles. They are known for burrowing into wood to create their nests.

What kind of bee is mostly black with at least 2 wide stripes of yellow at least 2 inch long?

Sounds like a bumble bee (although some people have called them yellow jackets, which are actually a kind of wasp).

How big is a honey bee?

A queen's head and thorax are about the same size as that of the worker bee, but her abdomen is about half as long again as that of a worker and she is a little wider. In most varieties of honey bee the queen is about 20 to 25 mm long.

How big are birds?

What kind of bird? Birds can range from 2 inch (5 centimeter) long Bee Hummingbird or the 9 foot (2.7 meter) tall Ostrich.