

What can only have value that are counting numbers?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Positive integer solutions.

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Q: What can only have value that are counting numbers?
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What can only have value by counting numbers?


What is the other term for positive integers?

Absolute value * * * * * Counting numbers.

Is negative four a counting number?

No, only positive integers are considered counting numbers.

What are the whole numbers that are not counting numbers?

'0' is the only whole number that is not a counting number. Negative integers do not belong to whole numbers.

What is the exact value of 4?

4 is the glyph for the fourth of our counting numbers. This is also considered its exact value.

Why aren't fractions counting numbers?

This is a bit arbitrary. Mathematicians and educators have agreed that counting numbers are to be whole numbers only. There has to be some consistent use for phrases like "counting number", or we would have complete confusion.

What is the product of the 10 counting numbers?

Which 10 counting numbers? There is an infinity of counting numbers.

Are integers counting numbers?

No- not exactly. Negative integers are not counting numbers. Positive integers are identified with counting numbers. Many authors like to start with zero as a counting number.

How many numbers will divide into 10?

Amongst counting numbers (positive integers) only 4.

Are all negative numbers counting numbers?

Negative numbers are not counting numbers. Counting numbers are the integers starting with 1 and then 2 and so forth.

Is 3.7 a counting number?

No. Counting numbers are whole numbers.

If a number is a counting number or the opposite of a counting number then is it an integer?

A counting number is the numbers you lear as a little kid, counting numbers are one and up. Integers include the counting numbers, 0, and the opposite (negative) of counting numbers. So yes, a counting number or the opposite of a counting number is an integer.