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Q: What can professors do to better prepare students in sales class?
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Why do college professors sometimes bully their students?

Maybe they are stressed, you disrupt the class, or they hate teaching and want to take it out on the students

How many students in a class if you are the 57th best student and 57th worst student?

If there are 56 students better than you, and 56 students worse than you, there are 113 students in the class. 56 (better) + 56 (worse) + 1 (you) = 113

What is better for a class a clas with 50 students or 30?

30 students because you may concentrate on your work better than a room of 50 students

Why middle class students tend to do better than working class students?

I'd say middle class students tend to grow up in a more supportive household and have more opportunities than a working class student.

How can teachers performance affects the students performance?

Teachers' performance can impact students' performance through their ability to engage students, provide clear instruction, offer support and feedback, and create a positive classroom environment. Effective teachers can inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential, while poor teaching can result in disengagement and lower academic achievement.

Can professors lock students out during class?

If the class has begun at the set time, and the door is shut and locked, the professor has every right to do so. The professor cannot, however, shut the door and lock it if the class has not officially begun, or started early.

What does advanced placement mean?

Advanced Placement is a programme for high school students to earn university credits.

What are some duties for a teacher?

To prepare lessons To give lessons To set homework To mark homework To maintain discipline in class To report on students progress To educate students.

What is the block plan?

The block plan is an academic calendar system used in some colleges where students take one class at a time for a few weeks or months before moving on to the next course. This intensive format allows for deep immersion in a subject and often leads to more focused learning outcomes.

Would teachers or students get a better test score?

That depends entirely on what they were being tested on, and the individuals involved. If it were the subject of the class, then you would hope the teacher would score better than his or her students, but that isn't always the case, especially with adjunct professors hired to teach an unfamiliar subject three days (or less) before the class starts... which happens sometimes. Even when the teacher is a whiz, there could be a student that knows more, and just has to take the course to prove it. If it wasn't about the class, then it is up in the air depending on who is more familiar with the subject matter. idk

What does cuantos professors hay en la clase de espanol mean?

Translation: how many professors/ teachers are there in the Spanish class?

What do college students do that annoys their professors the most?

talk fall asleep skip class chaet text message arrive late chew gum