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Domestic violence statistics are higher with women of color. African American females experience domestic abuse 35% more often than white females. 48% of Latina females reported increased domestic violence after immigrating to the US.

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Q: What color are domestic violence statistics?
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What is the statistics of domestic violence in Trinidad and tobago?

I seriously doubt they keep those kinds of statistics.

What are domestic violence statistics among different age groups?

Domestic violence does not discriminate on the basis of age. There has been a increased number of domestic violence cases in teen relationships though. but people of all ages and races are victims of domestic violence everyday.

What are the domestic violence statistics among African American families?

African American families have a higher rate of domestic violence, 57% is the national average. however it must be noted that this is by cause and effect. The African American is among the lowest income group and statistics show that those in the poverty level of income are more apt to commit domestic violence, ergo the more people in the group the more chances for domestic violence.

Where can one find domestic violence facts?

One can find domestic violence facts at online websites including Safe Horizon, Violence Against Women and Statistics Canada. One could also find information at a bookstore or local library.

Why does the color purple represent domestic violence?

The Purple Heart is presented to those who have been wounded. Survivors of Domestic Violence are invariably wounded, both physically and emotionally. The color represents the courage of the survivor.

What country has the most domestic violence?

South Africa is said to have the highest statistics of gender-based violence in the world, including rape and domestic violence (Foster 1999; The Integrated Regional Network [IRIN], Johannesburg, South Africa, May 25, 2002)

How many deaths did domestic violence cause in 2013?

In 2,000 there were 440 men killed by their partner (5% of the murders of men) and the rate is climbing each year. However, these statistics are not completely accurate and police often keep murders of a domestic violence from the public.

What is domestic violence bill?

domestic violence bill prescribs legal sanctions against domestic crimes.

How can we stop preventing domestic violence in our community?

We can stop by enlightening the public on the effects of domestic violence. Also reporting cases of domestic violence can also be helpful.

What are the UK domestic violence statistics?

The number of incidents that have been reported in the United Kingdom in regards to domestic violence have risen. From October through December 2012, there were 3300 reports made, an increase of 11 percent from two years prior. According to estimates, 1.2 million women were victims of domestic abuse in the United Kingdom in 2012.

Is in British domestic violence okay?

domestic violence is NOT OK in any civilized country, British or not.

When was Center Against Domestic Violence created?

Center Against Domestic Violence was created in 1977.