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Q: What country did the pilgrims leave before finding a new home?
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What city and country did the pilgrims leave for the new world?


What continent did the pilgrims leave?

what continent did the Pilgrims leave from?what continent did the Pilgrims leave from?

What continent did the Pilgrims leave from?

The Pilgrims left Europe, specifically England, to seek religious freedom in the New World.

Why didn't the pilgrims leave America?

the pilgrims didn't leave America because the didn't want to.

Why did the pilgrims leave the Anglican church?

the pilgrims leave the Anglican church which is the church of England because he wanted a divorce and the Roman Catholics did not believe in divorce.

Why did the Pilgrims primarily leave England?

The Pilgrims were seeking religious freedom.

Can a soilder leave the country before pcsing?

yes, if on a valid leave....................

Where did the pilgrims leave from?

The pilgrims left from SouthHampton, England. They left on September 6,1620.

English puritans who landed at plymouth?

Puritans were people who wanted to reform the Anglican Church;Pilgrims or Separatists were people who wanted to leave the Anglican Church and start their own church in a new country.

When did the pilgrims leave holland?

1608!! :)

How did the pilgrims leave England?

On the Mayflower

Who landed at Plymouth and why did they leave England?
