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England to start with and The United Kingdom (Britain) once England and Scotland merged.

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Q: Which country owned the 13 American colonies?
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Who owned the 13 American colonies before the war?


What country owned the land west of the 13 colonies?

France owned the the land at the time

What country ruled the original 13 American colonies?

Great Britain ruled the 13 original American Colonies.

What is the history of the American flag's stripes?

The 13 stripes, on the American flag, represents the 13 colonies. The 13 colonies were what used to be America, before they became a country.

What European country controlled the 13 American colonies?

Great Britain.

Why did Spain own the 13 colonies?

Spain never owned the 13 colonies that became the United States.

What country originally colonized and owned the 13 colonies?

The British Colonies, so to speak, were 13 in number and were aptly named Thirteen Colonies. The English colony ... These Thirteen American Colonies were grouped under three different heads depending on the type of governance: ... Charter Colonies - These colonies were established when the British Crown granted a charter,

Did all 13 colonies have slaves?

At some point all 13 colonies had slaves. They were not just owned by rich farmers. Even working class people in the Northern colonies owned slaves.

Who owned the 13 colonies in 1750?

Great Britain

Why was the American Revolution considered to be thirteen separate wars?

Because the colonies were actually 13 different political entities, each rebelling against the country that owned and governed them. There were still major differences between the colonies, but they recognized that they would be better off together than seperately.

The original 13 colonies were ruled by what European country?

the original 13 colonies were ruled by what European country?

What country ruled the thirteen conlonies?

Prior to the American Revolutionary War, the 13 colonies were ruled by England.