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Q: What day and time will it be 85 hr 26 min after Thursday 1217 pm?
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37 min a day how much time does she practice in 24 hours?

37 min

How do you convert gallons per day to min?

gal/day x day/24 hrs x hr/60 min = gal/day x day/1440 min = gal/min ie divide by 1440

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its about 5-20 min the most.

How long is one day in Minecraft?

A day is 12 min. and a night is 7 min.

What day and time will it be 116 hr and 17 min after Friday 453a.m?

Wednesday 1:10 am

How much time on average is spent in the bathroom over a lifetime?

15 min per day (hygiene) 15 min per day (facilities) 30 min per day total 210 min per week 10920 min per year // 182 hrs // 7.58 days A person lives to be 75 yrs old // 819000 mins// 13650 weeks// 568.75 days // A year and 1/2 15 min per day (hygiene) 15 min per day (facilities) 30 min per day total 210 min per week 10920 min per year // 182 hrs // 7.58 days A person lives to be 75 yrs old // 819000 mins// 13650 weeks// 568.75 days // A year and 1/2

How many min are in 10 months?

60 min/hr * 24 hr/day = 1440 min/day Since ten months can be 303, 304, 305 or 306 days, depending on what ten months you're measuring, it can be any of those four numbers times 1440 min/day... 436320 min, 437760 min, 439200 min or 440640 min

What is the minimum wage for Labor Day?

The same as every day. Min wage law creates no holidays. Your pay on Christmas or Labor Day is straight time.

What is 1 day 4 hrs 7 min - 6 hrs 20 min?

1 day = 24 hrs, and 1 hr=60 min. Therefore 1 day=1440 min. Therefore 1 day + 4 hrs + 7 min equals 1440 min + 240 min+ 7 min or 1687 minutes. Applying the same principal to the other side of the equation gets us 360 min + 20 min or 380 min. 1687 minutes - 380 minutes = 1307 minutes. This equals 21 hrs 47 min.

Minutes in a day?

1440 min in a day

1 min a day?

240 min * 1 hr/60 min * 1 day/24 hr = 1/6 day1 day = 24 hrs, and 1 hr=60 min

What fraction of 1 day is 80 minutes?

80 min/1 day = 80 min/24 hours = 80 min/(24/60 min) = 80/(24*60) = 0.055... recurring.