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Archimedes is purported to have used loadstones to remove nails from enemy ships thus sinking them.

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Q: What did Archimedes use magnets for?
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What catapults did the Archimedes use?

Archimedes is a person is a person, not a group.

How do you use magnets?

you can use magnets to separate iron from sand.

How do we use Archimedes' discoveries today?

People all around America still use Archimedes discoveries today. Like The snail screw we use that to raise and move water. Another discovery from Archimedes we use today is pi. We use pi to find the circumference for circles. Everyone should use the "Principles of Archimedes" because we use that to weigh objects.

Do water heaters use magnets?

Some of the water heaters uses magnets. Magnets softens the water.

What is the used of magnets to the appliances?

they use magnets to concentrate energyto them

How does a vacuum use magnets?

A vacuum does not 'use' magnets. However magnets and a vacuum are used in conjunction in several applications. particle accelerators for example.

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What scientist mastered the use of levers?


What types of everyday objects use magnets?

These objects use magnets...CompassesSpeakersRefrigeratorsComputersCarsCeiling FansPrintersTelephonesTape RecordersWatches

What do Archimedes principal help to explain?

Archimedes principal explains buoyancy. The principle makes its use in ships and submarines.

What would you use magnets for at home?

fridge magnets speakers tv

How and where are magnets used in places of work?

The main use of magnets in workplaces is for the transfer of electrical waves into tools, drills, saws, etc. They make use of magnets.