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Q: What divide by sixty gives you the number 2?
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How do you FIGURE two fifths of sixty?

divide sixty by 5 then times 2 two fifths of sixty= 24

How do you know if a base sixty number is even or odd?

If the number end with 0 2 4 6 8 it's even if not it's odd.Or if you can divide the number by 2 to get a complete number it is even.

What are two number that when you divide gives you -18?

18 divided by -1 -36 divided by 2

How would you get 15 percent of a number?

To get x percent of a number n you multiply x and n and divide the answer by 100, But to get 15% there is a short cut: Step 1: Divide the number by 10 - that gives you 10%. Easy if you can work decimal points. Step 2: Halve the answer - that gives you 5% Step 3: Add together the results of steps 1 and 2.

What divide by what gives you 14?

It is: 28/14 = 2

Why divide by 2?

If you divide by 2 it tells you what half of the number you are dividing by is.

I am thinking of a number if you divide it by 2 then divide that by 5 you get 15 what is the number?


What is half of the number sixty-seven?

67/2 = 33.5

Im a Even number if I divide by 12 is 2 What number am I?

If we divide 12÷2:6 Six is a even number

What number can divide into the number 748?


How many pencils are made each year?

ABOUT 100,000,000 (one hundred million) pencils are made in the united states every year. would you like to find out how many pencils are made per second? use a calculator. divide the number by 365 and divide that number by 24, then divide that by 60, and then divide it by sixty again. that number will be the estimated number of pencils per minute. the answer could be a fraction, because I don't know I've never done it. Acually if you do that equation I believe it gives you the number of pencils made every second.

In maths how do you find out the mean average?

(x+y)/2 gives you the average you just add the values together and divide by the number of values you have