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Parentheses, also known as brackets, show that whatever lies within them must be solved before anything else, and must be treated as a single chunk of an equation. For example:

2*(4+3) tells you to solve the '4+3' part of this problem first, which gives 2*7. If the brackets weren't there, the equation would be 2*4+3, which equals 8+3, or 11.

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Q: What do parentheses in a mathematical equation means?
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What does parentheses in a mathematical equation means?

Parentheses in an equation tell you that you must perform that operation before any other operations, regardless of what operation that may be.

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The asterisk in a mathematical equation, usually in the context of a computer expression, means to multiply.

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Parentheses are used to mean whispered, or an afterthought. Or in Math, to be figured separately from the first part of the equation.

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All mathematical equation have a formula ... A mathematical formula is the order in which the equation should be answer... for example ... 2(22+2) the formula for solving this equation is (PEMDAS) Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction... So it will be used like this... Parentheses first and there is an Exponent( 22) 2 to the 2nd power is 4 ... the equation changes now it look like this 2(4+2) now you can do what just in the Parentheses (4+2) = 6... but your not done yet there still a number ... any number that is not given a sign is assunmed to be Multipliction so your equation looks like this now 2 x 6 ... which will leave you with 12 for an answer ...

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Designate which operations are to be carried out first.

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How can you apply mathematical equation in business?

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What are the parentheses or the brackets for in math?

Parentheses separate calculations to be performed independent of a larger equation. The resulting quantity then becomes subject to whatever other calculation is established outside the parenthese within that equation. Parentheses within parentheses work the same way, beginning with the most interior groupings until ultimately everything inside the outer parentheses becomes a single quantity.