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They are an expiry date. It sounds like that date is written in the British format: day-month-year.

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Q: What do the 3 different sets of numbers on plant food cans mean example 15-4-12?
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They do because the cells have different jobs. For example, a plant cell has to be able to have photosynthesis but an animal cell does not.

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Data is facts and statistics collected for reference and/or analysis. Data can be numbers, text, addresses, etc. Here is an example of data: Plant 1: 5 cm Plant 2: 3 cm Plant 3: 8 cm

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yes. for example, some liquids, the obvious being acid, would kill the plant. a plant needs water to osmose and photosynthesise.

What is the example of a eukaryotic plant cell?

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What does planta mean in spanish?

It generally means "plant", but can have different meanings in certain expressions. For example, "planta baja" means "ground floor".

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mango is the best example of a seed plant.

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No it's quantitative because it has to do with numbers and is an exact calculation. Qualitative would be, for example, change in color

When do you plant the speedwell?

You plant most plants after Mother's Day. Different plant have different time to plant.

How are animal and bacterial cells alike and different?

Plant, animal, and bacterial cells alike and different in a great number of ways. These cells all for example can have organelles.