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A pair of additive inverses.

If the word "additive" is not used, there is no way of differentiating from multiplicative inverses: x and 1/x which multiply to 1.

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Q: What do you call a negative and a positive number that is the same distance away from zero?
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What is the absolute value of a negative number?

The absolute value of a number is the distance it is away from zero or in other words, the number will become positive, but if it is already positive, will remain the same.

is a negative number minus a number still a negative number?

Yes if the number you are taking away is positive, it will always be a negative number answer. If the number you are taking away is also negative the answer could be either positive or negative, dependant upon the number's used.

How do you subtract a positive and negative number?

You have to take the negative sign away from the negative number and add them.

Why is a negative number minus a positive number always negative?

Because if the number is already negative and you take away more it will be even farther away from being positive. I hope that makes sense!

How do you take away a negative number from a positive number?

Taking away a negative number is the same as adding the positive value of that number. So 5 take away (-3) = 5 add 3 = 8

Can you take away a negative number from positive number?

yes if u take a negative from a positve you will get a negative

What is a negative take away a negative it equals positive?

The result of subtracting a negative number minus a negative number can be positive, or negative, depending on which of the numbers is larger. It can even be zero.

Negatives are never absolute values WHY?

The absolute value is the distance from 0 on the number line. -5 is 5 away from 0. You cannot have a negative distance, therefore you cannot have a negative absolute value. Absolute values are not ALWAYS positive because absolute values can be zero as well. Zero is not positive nor negative.

Is a positive number subtracted by positive number a negative number?

It depends on the numbers. 4-5= negative 1 5-4= 1 if the number you are taking away is greater than the number being taken from then the answer will be negative.

Is the absolut value of a number always non negative?

yes. This is because absolute value is in which you find how far away a number is from zero. This means that the absolute value is always positive.

A negative number that has a greater absolute value than a positive number?

The absolute value of a number is how far away it is from zero on a number line. Any negative number that is higher than a positive number without its negative sign is larger with absolute value.

What does a negative number plus a positive number equal?

In this case, it would depend on how high thepositive number is. for example: negative 10 plus positive 12 would equal positive 2 because the ten negative numbers would cancel out ten of the positive twelve numbers. So the answer would be a positive number but ONLY IF you could take the sign away from the number and the positive number was higher.