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I call it a [non-isosceles] trapezium, but those on the other side of the pond call it a [non-isosceles] trapezoid.

If no sides are equal, it is called scalene trapezoid

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Q: What do you call a quadrilateral with just 1 pair of parallel sides and no equal sides?
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A quadrilateral that has no parallel sides?

i think you call it a irregular quadrilateral

What do you call a quadrilateral that has exactly 1 pair of parallel sides?

a trapezoid is the only quadrilateral that has exactly 1 pair f parallel sides.

Which quadrilaterals do not have parallel sides?

Quadrilaterals usually have special names only if they DO have parallel sides, or some other special property. You might just call it "quadrilateral", or "a quadrilateral with no parallel sides".

What do you call a quadrilateral that has 1 pair of parallel sides?

a Trapezoid

What do you call a quadrilateral having both pairs of opposite sides parallel?


What is a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel sides no right angles?

You call it a parallelogram.

What do call a regular quadrilateral?

Well, you are supposed to call an irregular quadrilateral an IRREGULAR QUADRILATERAL. Haha. There really isn't any name for a regular quadrilateral. You just call it a quadrilateral or whatever the shape is. You could call it a REGULAR QUADRILATERAL.

What has 4 sides but has all sides not equal?

You might call it a quadrilateral, but you would not call it a square or rhombus.

What do you call a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides?

A trapezium (US trapezoid).

What do you call a quadrilateral with no two sides are congruent sides and no parallel sides?

There is no specific name. Irregular is not enough because a rectangle is irregular.

What do you call a convex quadrilateral with two pairs of equal adjacent sides?

A Kite.

What do you call a shape with four sides (CLUE:It has 13 letters)?

A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides. ... Definition: A parallelogram is a quadrilateral where both pairs of opposite sides are parallel. We use the symbol to represent a parallelogram.