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Q: What do you call something that is being multiplied or divide?
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What do you call the two numbers that are being multiplied to find a product in mth?

multiplier the number that multiplies multiplicand the number to be multiplied product the answer in multiplication

What are quantities that are being multiplied called?

Multiplier and multiplicand. You can also call them factors.

How do you call the number being multiplied?

It is called a factor. the answer you get is called the product. The original terms taught were: Muliplicand X Multiplier = Product.

What do you call the numbers that are multiplied?


What do we call the number that are multiplied?

they are called factors

How do you do a multiplication question that will equal 25?

-- Secretly, pick any number. Call it 'A'. -- Secretly, divide 25 by 'A'. Call the answer 'B'. -- Remember what 'A' and 'B' are. Now you're ready to show the question that you made up. Your question is: "What's the answer to (the 'A' number) multiplied by (the 'B' number) ?" The answer will be 25 .

What is 2 multiplied by what will equal 5.3?

We'll call the "what" "x". 2*x=5.3 To find x, we will divide both sides of the equation by 2. 2*x/2=5.3/2 x=2.65

Divide with someone?

There are a number of things you could call people who divide. You could call the people that divide divorced if they were once married for example.

What is something that has all characteristics of life?

A living being. You can call it an organism too.

What do you call being worried or frightend about something that may be happen?

apprehension or anxiety

What do you call a number multiplied by another number?

A Factor

What do you call a number multiplied by itself?

The square of the number