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Q: What do you call the number below the fraction bar that indicates how many equal parts are in the whole?
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What is the name of the part of the fraction that indicates the number of equal parts in the whole?


What is the name of a fraction part of a fraction that indicates the number equal parts of a whole?

In its simplified form, there is no such number.

What is the name in the fraction that indicates the number of equal parts in the whole?

The denominator.

What is the name of the part of a fraction that indicates the number of equal parts in the whole?

This is the denominator, which is the bottom line of the fraction.

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See the answer below.

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What is the number below the bar in a fraction that tells how many equal parts are in the whole or in the group?

Only if the fraction has not been simplified.

The number below the bar in a fraction that tells how many equal parts are in the whole or in the group is the?


What is the name of the part of the fraction that indicates the number of equal parts is the whole?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but the top number is called the numerator and the bottom number is called the denominator.

When is a fraction equal to one?

Same number above and below the line 2 / 2 = 1 56 / 56 = 1 and so on ...

The number in a fraction that tells how many equal parts are in the whole or in the group?

The number in a fraction that tells how many equal parts are in the whole or group is called the denominator. It is the bottom number of the fraction and represents the total number of equal parts that make up the whole.

What fractions are equal to one?

As long as the top number is equal to the bottom number, the fraction is equal to one.