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It's called the center or origin of the circle. All points on a circle are equidistant from the center

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Q: What do you call the point from which all points on a circle are equally distant?
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What is the point from which all points on a circle are the same distance?

This is the center of the circle. From the center of the circle, all the points on the circle are equally distant.

What is the definition for center?

cen·ter[sen-ter]nounGeometry . the middle point, as the point within a circle or sphere equally distant from all points of the circumference or surface.Basically, the middle of any shape or area.

What is the set of points in a plane that are equal distant from a fixed point called?

A set of points in a plan that are equally distanced from a fixed point is called a circle. equation of a circle is: (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 Center = (h, k) Radius = r Since Radius (can vary for different circles on that plan) is at equal distance throughout the plan we can therefore say that a set of points in a plan that are equally distanced from a fixed point is called a circle.

What is the locus of points less than three units from a given point?

All points less than 3 distant from point 'P' comprise a circle, centered at 'P', with a radius of 3, but NOT including the line that is the circumference of the circle.

What is a center point in math?

It's the single point from which all others are equally distant.

How many points are 4cm from a given line and 4 cm from a point on that line?

There are an infinity of points 4cm from a given line. These points form 2 lines parallel to and either side of the original line. Equally, there are an infinite number of points 4cm from a given point on the original line. These points lie on the circumference of a circle radius 4cm with its centre at the given point. There are only 2 points that fulfil both conditions. These points are found on the circumference of the circle where a diameter perpendicular to the original line and passing through the given point meets the circumference of the circle. These two points are also where the two parallel lines form tangents with the circle.

What is the abstract noun for center?

The noun 'center' (or centre) is an abstract noun as a word for a source of an influence, action, or force; a focus of interest or concern. The noun 'center' is a concrete noun as a word for the point within a circle or sphere equally distant from all points of the circumference or surface; a point, pivot, or axis around which something rotates or revolves.

What is the point in a circle that is equidistant from all points on the circle?

It is the centre of the circle

What is a point from where the points on the circle are of equal distances?

That point is known as the "center of the circle". Every circle has one.

What is the point that is equidistant from all points on a circle?

The center of the circle.

A compass draws all points that are equidistant from a fixed point thereby creating a locus of points for a circle?

A circle is the locus of all points equidistant from a given point, which is the center of the circle, and a circle can be drawn with a compass. (The phrase "locus of points for a circle" does not seem to be conventionally defined.) or true

A segment with end points on the circle?

A segment with end points on a circle is a chord.