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Q: What do you do if you add the decimals and you do not get the right answer?
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Decimals as Percents?

Move the decimal point two positions to the right and add a percentage sign.

What is the definition of adding decimals?

To add the two decimals together

How do you add decimals step by step?

line up the decimals together

What is the rule for add decimals?

Just make sure you line up the decimals

How can i use decimal models to add decimals?

You can use decimal models to add decimals by using the hundedths blocks as used in base-ten blocks and add the following decimals you need to and use the hundredths block to shade in the total.

Why is there no such thing as a remainder when dividing decimals?

because you can always add a 0 when using decimals

What is 0.41 as a percent?

41% = 0.41 To change decimals to percents, move the decimal two places to the right and add the percent sign. (To change percents to decimals, move the decimal two places to the left.)

How do you add repeating decimals?

Convert the repeating decimals into fractions, and then add those. If you need it as a decimal, then you can just convert the product back into a decimal!:)

How do you add decimals to thousandths?

You line up the decimals with the thousandths and put the decimal straight down from where it is and just add with the decimal in the same spot.

What is the rule when adding decimals?

keep your decimals in the right position

How can you add decimals?

by converting them to equivalent fractions

How does a place value chart help you add and subtract decimals?

Place Value Charts help you because they put the decimal in the right place.