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-- ounces are smaller than pounds

-- so you expect to have more ounces than pounds

-- the way to get a bigger number is to multiply

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

you divide because...........tons are bigger than pounds

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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βˆ™ 11y ago


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βˆ™ 3y ago

sdfghjkljhgfdertyuiolkjbvcm,.,mnbvcxzxcvbnmlkjhgfdfghjkldsdfghjkl;lkjhgfdxnm,mnbvdasdtyuiop[poiuytrewertypoiuygfdsl;lkjhgfdsal;lkjhgcxzxcvbnm,./.,mnbgcxzxcvbnm,./;lkjhgfdsdfghjkl;';lkjhgfdsasdfghjkl;liuytfdsaASDFGHJKL;';LKJHGFDSZXCVBNM,./.,MNBVCXZXCVBNM,./';LKJHGFDSASDFGHJKL;';LKJHGFDSDFGHJKL;LKJHGFDZZXCVBNM,.;LKJHGFDSASDFGHJKL;LKJHGFDSAasdfghjkl;lkjhgfdszxcvbnm,./;lkjhgfdsasdtyuiop[poiuytrewqqwertyukl;lkjhgfdzzxcv fdsasdfghjklkjytrewe4567890-09876reweuiklkjhgcxz vbnm,mhgfdsasertyui90-=-0987ytrewqwertyjkl;';lkjhgfdxzxcvbnmk,l.;//.lkjhgfdrtyuiopotrewertyuiopoiuytreasdfghjkl;lkjhgfdxzxcvghjklkjhgfdzxcfghjkl;lkjt

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Q: What do you do when you are doing tons to pounds divide or multiply?
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When you change pounds to tons do you multiply or divide?

i divide

When you change tons to pounds would you divide or multiply?

Multiply. In the US, one ton is 2000 pounds. 3 tons = 3 x 2000 = 6000 pounds

What is 1 tons divide 1800 pounds?

1 tons divide 1800 pounds = 0.0005555555555555556

How many tons is 66675 pounds?

To get tons from pounds, divide by 2000. Easy as that. 66675 pounds is 33.3375 tons

How many pounds are there in 3.65 tons?

To change tons to pounds, multiply by 2000. 3.65 tons equals 7300 pounds.

How do you convert 13000 pounds to tons?

Divide pounds by 2,000 to get tons. 13,000 / 2,000 = 6.5 (tons).

How are pounds converted to tons?

Multiply the number of tons by 2,000 pounds. Examples: 1/2 ton = 1,000 pounds 3/4 ton = 1,500 pounds 1 ton = 2,000 pounds 15 tons = 30,000 pounds 1,000 tons = 2,000,000 pounds

How do you convert 3.5 tons to pounds?

To convert 3.5 tons to pounds you multiply the number of tons by 2000. So, 3.5 tons = 7000 pounds.

Conversion factor for 3 tons to pounds?

Multiply tons by 2,000 to get the same weight in pounds. 3 tons = 6,000 pounds.

How much is 60000 pounds in tons?

Divide pounds by 2,000: 60,000 pounds is 30 US tons.

Can you convert pounds to tons?

Yes. Divide the number of pounds by 2,000. The result is the number of tons.

Converting ton to pounds?

1 T = 2000 lb. So, multiply a measurement of tons by 2000 to convert it to pounds.