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Q: What do you insert on power point to help audience understand numeric data and trends?
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Define numeric data?

Numeric data refers to any data that is represented as numerical values, such as integers, decimals, or fractions. This type of data is used for quantitative analysis and calculations in various fields such as mathematics, statistics, and science. Numeric data can be manipulated and processed mathematically to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data.

What is the goal of a survey?

The goal of a survey is to gather information and insights from a target audience in order to make data-driven decisions or identify trends and patterns. Surveys can help businesses, researchers, or organizations better understand opinions, preferences, and behaviors of individuals.

When you brainstorm for trends to generate a topic you . A. identify trends in your writing portfolio B. identify new trends in music clothing and the media C. revise for word choice D. document your?

B. identify new trends in music, clothing, and the media. By keeping up to date with what is popular in these areas, you can generate ideas for topics that are relevant and engaging to your audience.

Importance of data collection?

it enables us to understand changes and trends in a particular society... dat help?

Does ads follow trends or lead them?

Ads can both follow trends and lead them. In some cases, ads are created to align with popular trends to resonate with the target audience. However, ads can also be designed to introduce new concepts or ideas and thereby lead trends by influencing consumer preferences and behaviors. Ultimately, it depends on the objectives and strategies of the advertisers.

How are correlates and antecedents of drug use employed to help understand drug trends?

they test it by letting your mom smoke it

What is coloured reporting?

Colored reporting refers to presenting data or information using visual aids such as graphs or charts that incorporate different colors to emphasize key points or trends. It is a method used to make reports more visually engaging and easier to understand for the audience.

Why is knowledge of demographics important to marketers?

Knowledge of demographics helps marketers better understand their target audience, enabling them to tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of different consumer groups. This allows marketers to create more effective and targeted campaigns that resonate with their intended audience, leading to higher levels of engagement and conversion. Understanding demographics also helps marketers identify emerging trends and opportunities in the market.

What is pressing?

is the practice of investigation and reporting of events and issues and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion

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Why should Graphs be used in a presentation?

It makes it easier to see trends and patterns in a clear and appealing way. It can also make it easier to compare sets of data and identify different relationships between the data than in something such as a table.

What do you mean by trends in consumer behavior?

Trends in consumer behavior refer to the patterns and shifts in how consumers act and make purchasing decisions. This can include changes in preferences, shopping habits, demographics, technological influences, and social values that impact how consumers interact with products and brands. Understanding these trends is crucial for businesses to adapt their strategies and meet the evolving needs of their target audience.