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Q: What documents addressed the relationship between the British king and the American colonists?
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What was British and American colonists relationship after the Boston Massacre?

your mom HAHAHAHA

Documents that forced colonists in Ohio River Valley to move back to oringinal 13 colonies?

American history

Why did the American colonists become disillusioned with their relationship with Britain?

they started telling them what to do and they wanted their freedom

What happen to the relationship between native American and colonists after the French and Indian War?

its my HW and i wish someone will answer it better than me. here it is, they were enemies because the colonists won the battle.

Which did Britain do in the buildup to the American Revolution?

Forced colonists to harbor British soldiers Taxed legal documents Closed Boston's port Increased taxes on sugar and stamps

What is the relationship between the American colonists and the British soldier?

They fought each other in the America Revolutionary War. We are friendly to each other today.

What was the relationship between the American colonists and the English during the middle of the 18th century?

continued to drift in a period of benign neglect

What is the significance of the American?

It was a document anonymously published and written. It was to help persuade the colonists to break away from Britain. It is a series of pamphlets written by Thomas Paine. I have attached a link with the documents.

What documents prohibited North American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?

The proclamation of 1763 due to Pontiac's Rebellion during the French and Indian war.

What british tax levied an internal tax on various documents and articles in the American colonies?

The Stamp Act levied this tax, and it made the colonists very angry since they had no say in the matter. The Stamp Act quickly became one of the reasons many of the colonists wanted independence from England.The Stamp Act levied this tax, and it made the colonists very angry since they had no say in the matter. The Stamp Act quickly became one of the reasons many of the colonists wanted independence from England.The Stamp Act levied an internal tax on various documents and articles in the American colonies.

To whom was the declaration of independence directed?

The Declaration of Independence is first addressed to Jefferson's fellow colonists, as an invitation for them to join him in rebellion against British colonialism, and second, it is also addressed to Britain, as fair warning that the American colonies are going to cease to be colonies and will become self governing.

What problems did jay and pinckney treaties address?

jay's treaty addressed the impressment of American sailors. p's treaty addressed American boundaries