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Drafting - is preparing an initial copy of a document.

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Q: What does Drafting means in writing form?
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What does While drafting the Declaration mean?

"while drafting" most likely means while writing. Drafting is a term that refers to the process of writing and editing.

What are the similarities between legal writing and drafting?

Legal writing is the art of writing employed by lawyers and judges when communicating in written form while legal drafting is an advanced form of legal writing where writing skills are employed.

What happens during the drafting stage of the writing process?

Keep the focus of the specific form you have in mind

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Outlining is first, essay writing (drafting) is second

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Outlining immediately precedes drafting.

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What is drafting in writing?

a draft after your brainstorm

Which writing process stage immediately precedes drafting?

Before drafting comes thinking.

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Why drafting importance?

Drafting is important Because you have to check if your making mistakes along the way while you are writing your essays. its like proofreading but while your writing your essay.

Which of the following lists the different steps of the writing process in the correct order Prewriting Post-writing Drafting Editing?

APEX U.S.M.C.C.Prewriting, Drafting, Editing, Revising