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Q: What does a narrow base indicate in a population pyramid?
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What are the three types of population pyramids?

Expansive population pyramid: wide base and narrow top, indicating high birth and death rates. Constrictive population pyramid: narrow base and wider top, showing low birth and death rates. Stationary population pyramid: nearly equal widths at all age groups, suggesting stable birth and death rates.

When a population pyramid has a wide base and it is the most narrow at the top the population is?

When a population pyramid has a wide base and is narrower at the top, it indicates a high birth rate and high population growth. This kind of pyramid is typical of developing countries where a large proportion of the population is young and the birth rates are high.

What will be the approximate shape of the age-structure diagram of a rapidly increasing population?

The age-structure diagram of a rapidly increasing population typically has a pyramid shape, with a wide base representing a high proportion of young individuals and a narrow top representing a smaller proportion of elderly individuals. This shape indicates a high birth rate, high population growth, and a lower life expectancy.

What shape only has one base?

A pyramid (3D)! Some examples: - triangular base pyramid - square base pyramid - rectangular base pyramid - cone

What is the base of a pyramid in geometry?

A pyramid has a square base.

What is the base of a square pyramid?

The base of a square pyramid is a square. The pyramid has 4 faces making the base have four edges. SQUARE PYRAMID

Does a triangular pyramid or a rectangular pyramid have a square base?

Neither a triangular nor a rectangular pyramid has a square base. A square pyramid has a square base.

What is one difference between a prism and a pyramid 4Th grade answer?

A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.

Why does the population pyramid of an LEDC have a broader base?

The general reason is that health and medical care in LEDCs is less widely available. As a consequence, there are fewer people who survive to old age and populate the top of the population pyramid.

Does a pyramid have eight edges?

Depends on the pyramid. A pyramid with a square (or quadrilateral) base would indeed have 8 edges, but a pyramid can have any other polygon as a base.Depends on the pyramid. A pyramid with a square (or quadrilateral) base would indeed have 8 edges, but a pyramid can have any other polygon as a base.Depends on the pyramid. A pyramid with a square (or quadrilateral) base would indeed have 8 edges, but a pyramid can have any other polygon as a base.Depends on the pyramid. A pyramid with a square (or quadrilateral) base would indeed have 8 edges, but a pyramid can have any other polygon as a base.

What are the base sizes of the Giza pyramids?

There are three Giza pyramids, the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkaure, and The Great Pyramid of Giza. The base size for the Pyramid of Khafre is 706ft. The base size for the Pyramid of Menkaure is 215ft. They base size for The Great Pyramid of Giza is 756ft.

What is the base shape of a triangular pyramid?

the base of a triangular pyramid is triangle